Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Room

There were so many times, 
I didn't know how I kept going. 

At a cross roads more than ever before; 
That in itself says something. 

The world around me, trembles and burns in fire. 
I lay awake, bed-ridden, attempting to massage away pains, 
That only awaken with me the next day, 
And the next...
And the next. 

Looking for a way through, 
Peace has come a bit, 
But so has has life fallen, 
And in acceptance. 

I feel trapped to make moves, but not moves I'd choose. 
I have watched this life burn, 
All around me.
I have watched it go up in flames. 
And I have walked my self back, 
To a secluded apartment that has become my life. 
Even saving the world, has become impossible when I can't get out of bed. 

The system eats up my money, 
And leaves me for dead. 
I have observed the hearts of men, feed the blackness that feeds on life. 
And in doing so, 
I have watched myself die, 
In a room of solitude. 

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