Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Bluebird & Man

Tears elapse, to string riffs, 
And the melting of the cosmos 
Into liquid. 

Single tears form drip-
The ears hearing rivers 
That make her cry. 

The birds dwindling away, 
To memory..
The crickets and reeds, here now, 
But soaked in years of change, 
And a threat only the more imminent, 
As time passes. 

The person, I have come to be, 
Is only innocent in heart. 
Like the memory of the birds, 
Long gone. 
And the growing plague, 
And the deafening drones, 
The nation goes rott 
With man's black heart, 
Tarring everything. 

Who's mercy am I at? 
Not merely my own perhaps? 
Or perhaps? 

Far reaches, life has only become some far away, unachievable dream, 
As "we were tought" to dream. 

She dreams no longer much, 
But for freedom. 
Regressing from an open birch to a cage now, in her lands now...

Where man has tarred everything. 
Once blue, 
I am only shades of grey now. 
Somewhere beneath, 
Remain the light. 
Still, my heart is tarred. 
Because I am man. 

And she, my bluebird, 
Is the Goddess, I cage tight. 
So tight. 
With mean ferocity. 

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