Sunday, November 16, 2014

Yellow Brick Road

You will never fit. 
Two shades, sultry. 

My head turning to face the wall while I lay on my stomach; giving up. 

The shades in her are grey. 
Grey only. 

He will never know the stare out of the bus window through her eyes. 
He will never appreciate the effortlessness of her fingertips on blades in the kitchen...
And how she makes cooking, look easy. 

The headaches dislodge, 
While the rampant in her brings storms with no forecast. 

The days are taken from me, 
The way my heart has become chipped away at-
But perhaps the pressures have faceted Ruby's there.
And Emerald's ray. 

He will never know, the sweet of falling in love with her, by morning light, 
And laughter consuming like a cursed breeze. 
He will never know, the trust I carry, nor lending it into him in my ease. 

I don't know why I would ever let this man take from me. 
Like pulling open curtains, and finally seeing the reflection I didn't know was there. 

Like loving him, was all about me. 
In the good sort of way. 
Making me better, and he, 
Well he, was free to make of it as he pleased. 

And I don't believe, that there was anything kind. 
Not ONE truly kind thing he did. 
Unless to leave me. 

That may be the only thing we'd really agreed on...
Against our will. 
Or very much for his. 

It's like watching Hannibal, eat. 
Cold. Unrelenting. Not sorry. 

Well I'm sorry. 
I am. 
Hurt in ways love had burned furies in my heart, 
And now a cold crater, left with trenches of impacts and governed like emotions to the moon. 
Lifeless, I find reason to laugh, 
But the days are like sands and winds to my house of hearts ;
House of cards, 
Faces ever tumbling down. 

I think, "who would ever love me now?", 
Kicking rocks, and walking alone, 
So well, the way, I do- 
The dirt gravel...
She is my star. 

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