Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Subtleties

The subtlety fractures; 

I feel them. 

As I merge from a smoke hatch, 
My senses acclimate...

And the first thing I notice, 
Is my broken heart- 
The sadness is something I have to search for words to understand, 
Let alone describe. 
And I think about 

How the subtlety 
Is subtleties fractured. 

Man is infinitely, 
Each his own. 

And I think about that that differs 
A man from fully giving into his sorrows, 
Much the way a women may give over to her lust, or a person to their greed, 
Or a decision in the face of two impossibilities. 

The subtlties fracture my mind. 
In some ways, 
I am the energies more than they will ever be me. 
But seems most often, equally I must lay. 
Sometimes stand...

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