Sunday, November 16, 2014

Love's Run River

Hidden away, 
They may never know the contents of my soul. 

It is the thing that makes me hold my breath when I wake, reminding me to breathe again- "it's okay". 

Standing outside of myself most days, 
I can not comprehend even, 
With all these thoughts; 
Notions like intuition, 
Over and over, and time again; 
But with Reality's "set-in". 

Love runs scarcely. 
Black, to void it's eye. 
Cosmic overtake. 

I anchor, as words become silt. 
Energy impressions and action, 
Where love runs like river's dry. 
Have I found any valleys that might 
Run over with seeds abundant. 
Scarcely has their been a shelter to live by. 
Fractured becomes, the element. 
The scarcity fractures sanity, like cognition. 
Foggy things torment, until the cloud is elusive but hails in no light. 
Bringer and becomer of light; 
That is what man is. 
Inherent, both destroyer and might, 
Shadow and light, 
Spectrums of ever, I between veils, and veils, 
That will never truly exist. 
Fractured becoming awake. 
And dying like never before. 

And dying like never before. 

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