Monday, November 24, 2014

The T word

They are ghost hands. 
Black rod irons, 
And people thinking and speaking in the mundane. 

Tongues become transparent and lucid, 
Sheltering only reality mostly, 
As somethings spill, 
Shattering reality, 
And what is. 

Am the Black Raven, 
And white, 
As forms shift, 
And shift, 
By the night. 

Transparent, and Mysterious, 
Phoenix , and Owl
Shepard & Lion, 
We dance. 

Summoning the great rivers to flood, and floodgates open, as this is the war 
For Heaven and Hell. 
The damned, like the dam, breaks; 
Past, meets it's consequence. 
Hatred meets love. 
And love finds hatred, 
And roles reverse, 
While we, 
We die here. 
While they, 
Cover it all up. 

But lucidly, 
We all dwell in realms of transparency, so we can not not fully know, now can we?

It will always be there hiding somewhere; 
The truth. 

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