Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Driftwood Tao

As the first opening at dawn, eyelids drawn, 

I awake once more, in one many more, 
Of so many more days to come..

Until they simply

As breath, and whatever this silly notion is they call our heart, 

You are there, 
Looking in on me; and the both of us blind. 
In a skylit grey glow of bright haze, 
The birds chirp, as ever, and I still arise one more day with the thoughts of you, that seem now to have become a part of me.  

Sometimes I relish and sometimes I lay abed the sullen sunken draft of what had been done. 

Cowardice is Nuclear, and yet still, 
Here are I am 

  But never far from the fall. 

I miss you everyday, as though someone akin had died and passed. 

Fighting most days not anymore with HOW I could love you, 
But just that 
It had broken before we could see it. 
And just that, 
You were well versed in cutting a rabbits skin. 

No, instead now,
Most days have happened as to configure that death, was the same thing as love. 
And love at a distance. 
And betrayal, like your own battalion, throwing you into enemy hands.  
You saved me. 
Since your desire was only to poison  the bird. 

You let me free. 
  The morning again. 
A morning long without you. 
A blessed, 
And strange fate. 
  Waiting. And living. 
Free, from our cage. 


Free to love you still. 
 Free to forgive.  
Free to quit questioning why. 
And so...
Just free. 
Unshackled. Unbound. 

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