Sunday, March 6, 2016

At deathbeds

No, it might be, that I'm not supposed to
Love you, 
Because we know love is a silly thing 
Wreaking havoc. 

My love for you is almost havoc; 
Save for the peace of soul you have shoved me into. 
Loving you, has been a genuine resurrection into loving myself, 
And learning man again, 
(If you could call it that). 

It is raining outside, just the way I like: awake and at night- 
And I think of you as I often do, 
And wish for some reason that I still had your number... 

( and respect). 

Love is truly a lotus. Rare but not terribly 
uncommon; using wasted nutrients and abundant mud mass to become a awe-ful beauty. 
Rare indeed. 

It is I who have won. 
And you. 
I will love you forever, regardless. 
How guard-less.
How sabotaged, you'd dared me. 
How relished I became, lapping it up. 
Seeing now, 
What you'd meant. 
And laughing; 
And horrified. 
Because I lost. 
And you lost. 
Until we bet another hand. 
And the luck comes in Aces, or timing, or fate. 

I love 

And it is your win. 
And my loss. 

Until we're dealt another hand. 
Who will win, 
At deathbeds? 

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