Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Doorway

My world is a window, and doorway; 
Cat urine staining what I'd arise to in the morning, with a surprisingly synced harmony between violin soundtracks and birds arising to the sun in song. 

Torrential cries, and heard beside, 
My door, in the doorway closed. 
On the otherside, is a pacing, tormented soul. Heaves, as a Siamese does, 
The cries are almost unbearable, screeching things, 
As is to wake me from a peaceful walking dream. 

Perhaps that is what my life would be like, if so much nasty hasn't starved to thrive in this world. 
Differently now though, 
Like a gesture of gratitude, 
I find a stripped animosity, and a vested worship, for...

I would know no peace, 
If not for the bared extremes of so much 
In this world. 

And almost all has silenced now. 
The birds rest, as the violin does not play, 
And the cat besides my door only paces. 

A helicopter shakes the sky in a close enough distance, I am used to catching it at now. The birds bolster back up slowly, in chirps and squirmeshes...
As life goes on
And I find the gift God gave me, 
As energy from every last thing endured. 

I have found sanctuary in but one simple philosophy, taking each day, 
Simply one
At a time. 

Bad days roll over, as do great memories, people, and time in our lives. 
They come. Then gone. 
And they mean everything; 

But so does 
Letting them go. 

Is the harder lesson. 
The one that hurts, that faces loneliness, and underprivilege. It is the lesson of Humility rather than Grandure; and the face of curiosity over certainty. 

The lesson is to love hard, not hardly. 
The reason is to stand, but to come by knowledge to do so rightly. 
And then. Not to judge. 

But to love. 
And to find peace through the empathy of others. 
I walk. 
What seems like a dirty road; it is. 
Never easy, always making adult decisions. Making terrible decisions no one should have to face. 
But I have. 
I do. 

Finding not the fault I once did, in surviving, or legality...
I have watched the world fail to Tame me; 
Wildly Free to Love, 
And to Love insanely. 

Passion, on behalf of these people, like my own, and this World, as a vestige I am enthroned to protect...

I am insanely, wildly, passionate about my people. 

It is the peace, the duality, the reality, of the fight. A spiritual principle of such duality Darkness is atrocious at magnitudes God creates Miracles everyday.  They are realms endeavored upon, but lost to our comprehension.

They are the doorways upon which we are forged, and the the graves upon which we arise from, 
   Changed forever. 

And forever changed. 

   I am guided, by failing limbs.  
'Til death do us apart. 

God and I. 

And the Prophets doorway- 
A human Hell, a warrior's terrain. 
A place....

     Where all is stripped from us. 
There may be rings on my fingers, but my  soul is naked and drenched, my skin fair, and bound by nothing but my body. 
To it, I am a slave. 
   God, the Master of my Heart. 
It is the Doorway. 
And I am ever in between. 

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