Monday, January 5, 2015

Time Travelers Journal: 1 : Native American Planes

I go into the black void; 
Premonitions width, 
And an earthly walk, 
And indeed, for now, I walk alone, 
Though armies trail behind; 

I know this. 

I journey, 
Footsteps in mud, a lonely traveler, 
To find where the lands are plowed, and just what it is they have in store for us; 
Never, would I...
Could I, 
Have imagined this! 
 The Industrial Complex, like extra-terrestrial city technology. 

Would the tribe believe me? 

I stayed, to observe, torn, about going home, as I knew once I'd arrive back, the real problems would begin; 
My life would change...
And I had to tell them what I had seen. 

So I did. 
And life went on, 
And it was long, 
But I knew one day, they would come for our children's children's children. 
And they did..

With the same avarice as I'd seen in their cultures decades before! 

They came with a great fire, and a great vengeance, and no warm left in their heart, but from the fire pits of hell. 

They came. 
And to this day, we not only work for them, we submit to them. 
And they hide, their monstrous appearance,

 behind glamour and media-lore of twisted untruths. 
They smile, 
And all the while, 
We sit down to dinner, while our neighbors are hauled away.  

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