Monday, September 29, 2014


The city is lonely, getting off work, and looking at the far dark distance, 
Lights hovering to an almost black ocean, 
And the wind beckoning me. 

A search for peace 
Leads me to the memories in her 
I had to let go...
And I sit back and let it fall into me, how she will be gone soon, like Summer..

And just like I predicted. 
But, she only comes In, 
After him, 
As I read the night sky, 
And sigh, 
Knowing it never had to come to this. 

So instead, 
I walk out alone, from a job I tell myself to be grateful for..
And I repress the fleeting feeling, that longs, for the suffering to be eased. 
Companionship, the cure to a droning society...

But it is no cure for me. 
Just like, it almost feels, 
There is no place for me either. 

I let it be fleeting- knowing it's all something I have to let go. 
Also knowing, 
That's all I know, 
And I'm tired of ripping pieces from my soul, only to watch them leave. 

No other choice but for it to be okay. 
What it was, wasn't love anyway. 

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