Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Invisible War over Earth

Opening your eyes to evil; 
All the things that were masked. 

Waking up, in a similar bed, 
But the world turning differently now, 
And fantasies, 
And fantasies, 
Are lucid torments. 

And you, and you, 
And Angel's stake, 
Watching with you, 
The demons play..
The demons feed...

The war a thing Human's rarely see...

'Til one day, 
You arrive in a similar bed, 
And become blinded by the light, 
Or raised by the Lucifer they have framed, 
Up on the cross, 
So long ago... 

Now watching you bestow 
Glorious images in his name...
Yet gone, by another. 

You call Lucifer, Christ, 
And Christ he is indeed, 
As the nations run spilled over with blood, 
And how, 
And how, 
The demons feed, you ignorant fools. 

Waking up...
Is deafening. 
Nowhere to be, no thing to do, understanding wiped 
From everything that was. 

Waking up is Deathening..
And they will never know, 
The puppets, the agenda...
They will simply tally back in spellbound motion, 
As they are fed enough, but never the right thing. 

And the moment came, alas..
As the moment the angels were waiting for in her history...
The moment that could make or break her...
And she woke up blind..
In why it all hurt, 
So much. 

The war, was real. 

Author's note:  the link is sited that was inspiration for this piece. 
As a psychic, I feed on signs and the beyond. As a prophet, not self-proclaimed, but self understood, all I can do is share in words, deeds, and actions on behalf of the "lightworkers" agenda. 

In understanding what is being masked to us, we will wake up, more than they can bare, (the darkside agenda and "agents") and we WILL THEN remember our inate power so BRIGHT, 
Darkness can "reign" no more. 


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