Friday, March 21, 2014

World's Love Irony

Hey you,
Cool water..
Tips dripping. I'm dripping.
Day, love...

To this life.
It's way;
Those who pop in.
Those who take up time.
Those who can't.
Those who won't.
Those I want, who don't.
Some do.
But I want you,
Invisible place, face, love- you...

Are you me?
Is the invisible face of love,
Simply my own?

Breathe me up. Need me;
Some of them.
Others despise,
What seems like the very essence that I am...
Many more talk...while at the same time, seeking my approval somehow.

In all this,
I take that deep breath of absorb,
And breathe it out as I step that foot forward,
And attempt to wipe off the smears
They have over my

My dreams
Seem to go
In and out
Of taunting
And driving me.

That they are bigger than I,
Plays to my psychological screwfolds...

My ego
Is suppressed by my spiritual;
They still at war,
But She wins more and more,
With each passing day.
The Knower in me,
Calms Ariel's oceans,
Her ego in tornados and hurricanes above waters,
And stirring waters deep.

I like getting lost, I do,
But this world pulls at me...

So I get yanked out
And away from the me, the things, I want so bad to create..and be..

So that I can be a little bit more of what they need from me...
Of what Ariel needs from me..

And like a mommy,
I just juggle.

The world though, she calls.
She does.
Like a beautiful woman with no promise of a broken heart between...
Like a perfect dream,
Though that is the last thing
And first thing,
Us Women, will ever be.

I like, how she moves drunkenly,
To this R & B...
And I get lost,
My throbbing on fire, as I fall in love with the need
Her swaying hips, and tight neck
Have to these Lion Teeth..
Jaws dripping.

I am
This woman.
The one,
That casts spells,
And has spells cast on me.
Drunken nights
Of alchi and weed,
Swaying relentlessly,
To the night.
Eyeing you down, because in my bed is where I want to be...

"Just hold on, we're going home", Drake sings- and I'm
And it feels
Like living,
As I away these hips,
And let the World sway with me,
And fall in love with her, the way,
They fall in love with me...

And we'll stumble drunk home,
"Out the club", hands all on,
Keeping me up,
I'll keep you up...
To bed,
Wheres home.

And we'll sway
Our hips drunkenly,
And enchant each other into the night.


Are my night.
And I love you.
And you,
Are the face,
Of every long haired woman who I have loved,
And who has loved me.

And you,
Are the face,
Of every man,
That I have allowed myself
To be beheld by.
Taken in.
And loved.

We are Roots, you and I...
Cherished by man,

And never
Though the view
Will test us.

Sway with me home,
And we'll make love all night,
And wake up,
Only to marry Eternity..

Rest you in me.
And together..
Lets make the dawn a set of wings,
For the things,
We've never quite had.

This has been good.
Lets do it again.


And don't call me...
I'll call you!

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