Tuesday, March 25, 2014


That's the only word for it.

And I remember "3 weeks".
Of adjustment. Attunement. Integration..

And I'm already feeling different.
More resilient...
More sound,
Though still fragile..

I am strong.
My bones are strong.

The Internet sounds.
It makes a screeching hum at my being,
As I observe the affect and a"tempted" affects
That opinions seek to have over one another...
And me...

But I am a little less privy to those pulls today...
As I watch the opinions pull at our emotions, and laugh a bit...
Because I'm less willing to play.

The things they thought about me,
Are more and more fading away.
Especially as,
I gain acceptance over the uncovering
Of my deepest shames.

I don't mind so much now...
Say what you will.
Call me what you think.
I have my path, and she is revealing to me...
And brighter and lighter, though the shadow is cunning...
Lighter and brighter,
Wider, my path doth lay.

I see the under-affects, the stirring...
As their thoughts by me are absorbed, and my being subconscious and all,
Try to just make sense of the mess without allowing it to move me...
It is the Master Way to be unmoved.
I am learning.

Things are falling away,
And visions are getting clearer.
Directions are revealing themselves,
And surrender throughout this cloudy journey
Seems Just necessary!

I moved to find my way with the Earth, and I miss her.
I am bothered by the people I "serve" and wish to move on with my path, into the visions spirit reveals to me..
I am practicing patience,
While simultaneously trying to remember, that my ability to manifest is a gift...
So the victim of my past, is afraid to put down for the magic of my future.

The TV goes on less; My Endurance grows roots of health and healthy Ego.
I find deep light of wisdom in dark shadows...and I fight spiritual battles everyday.

I seek to reign in my Mastership...
And to reign for myself; my own good.
The adjust still sits in me, and today, I rested, slept, let the dreams run old program out,
Old lifetimes through...
Oooo, a tired day...but anew.
I am excited for the how...
Seeing it more clearly now...
Man, oh man...
More clearly now, but there's still so much to do...an "I get to"...
So much to do.

I went to sleep today,
And I could feel the weight of my positions, needing to back off a bit...
Sometimes not knowing how,
Dangerous the rabbit hole is.

And the man, that I feel so like...
Oh Mr. Public Political,
Teacher, messenger, muse...
How Lennon, was shot for his voice and his views...
And I slept on that...
Slept on that..
Playing Roulette today...
Slept on that, slept on that..
Then awoke again,
Let those fears slip away...

Digesting prophecy,

Digesting words,
And visions,
And love,
And me...

Digesting Journey(s)

And the all
That's working itself
Into possibilities,

And collaborating...
As I digest all this, so much...
And integrate it.
That's it.
That's all...


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