Monday, March 31, 2014

Premonition's Kiss

I need a kiss on the lips, like morphine,
And kool electric guitar rips to a slashing beach-- rains raining me,
Raining my soul
And everywhere splashing.

Kool lips
Of soft pink
And her lips, though perhaps, his...
So that I could sleep
In dreams.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


That's the only word for it.

And I remember "3 weeks".
Of adjustment. Attunement. Integration..

And I'm already feeling different.
More resilient...
More sound,
Though still fragile..

I am strong.
My bones are strong.

The Internet sounds.
It makes a screeching hum at my being,
As I observe the affect and a"tempted" affects
That opinions seek to have over one another...
And me...

But I am a little less privy to those pulls today...
As I watch the opinions pull at our emotions, and laugh a bit...
Because I'm less willing to play.

The things they thought about me,
Are more and more fading away.
Especially as,
I gain acceptance over the uncovering
Of my deepest shames.

I don't mind so much now...
Say what you will.
Call me what you think.
I have my path, and she is revealing to me...
And brighter and lighter, though the shadow is cunning...
Lighter and brighter,
Wider, my path doth lay.

I see the under-affects, the stirring...
As their thoughts by me are absorbed, and my being subconscious and all,
Try to just make sense of the mess without allowing it to move me...
It is the Master Way to be unmoved.
I am learning.

Things are falling away,
And visions are getting clearer.
Directions are revealing themselves,
And surrender throughout this cloudy journey
Seems Just necessary!

I moved to find my way with the Earth, and I miss her.
I am bothered by the people I "serve" and wish to move on with my path, into the visions spirit reveals to me..
I am practicing patience,
While simultaneously trying to remember, that my ability to manifest is a gift...
So the victim of my past, is afraid to put down for the magic of my future.

The TV goes on less; My Endurance grows roots of health and healthy Ego.
I find deep light of wisdom in dark shadows...and I fight spiritual battles everyday.

I seek to reign in my Mastership...
And to reign for myself; my own good.
The adjust still sits in me, and today, I rested, slept, let the dreams run old program out,
Old lifetimes through...
Oooo, a tired day...but anew.
I am excited for the how...
Seeing it more clearly now...
Man, oh man...
More clearly now, but there's still so much to "I get to"...
So much to do.

I went to sleep today,
And I could feel the weight of my positions, needing to back off a bit...
Sometimes not knowing how,
Dangerous the rabbit hole is.

And the man, that I feel so like...
Oh Mr. Public Political,
Teacher, messenger, muse...
How Lennon, was shot for his voice and his views...
And I slept on that...
Slept on that..
Playing Roulette today...
Slept on that, slept on that..
Then awoke again,
Let those fears slip away...

Digesting prophecy,

Digesting words,
And visions,
And love,
And me...

Digesting Journey(s)

And the all
That's working itself
Into possibilities,

And collaborating...
As I digest all this, so much...
And integrate it.
That's it.
That's all...


Friday, March 21, 2014

World's Love Irony

Hey you,
Cool water..
Tips dripping. I'm dripping.
Day, love...

To this life.
It's way;
Those who pop in.
Those who take up time.
Those who can't.
Those who won't.
Those I want, who don't.
Some do.
But I want you,
Invisible place, face, love- you...

Are you me?
Is the invisible face of love,
Simply my own?

Breathe me up. Need me;
Some of them.
Others despise,
What seems like the very essence that I am...
Many more talk...while at the same time, seeking my approval somehow.

In all this,
I take that deep breath of absorb,
And breathe it out as I step that foot forward,
And attempt to wipe off the smears
They have over my

My dreams
Seem to go
In and out
Of taunting
And driving me.

That they are bigger than I,
Plays to my psychological screwfolds...

My ego
Is suppressed by my spiritual;
They still at war,
But She wins more and more,
With each passing day.
The Knower in me,
Calms Ariel's oceans,
Her ego in tornados and hurricanes above waters,
And stirring waters deep.

I like getting lost, I do,
But this world pulls at me...

So I get yanked out
And away from the me, the things, I want so bad to create..and be..

So that I can be a little bit more of what they need from me...
Of what Ariel needs from me..

And like a mommy,
I just juggle.

The world though, she calls.
She does.
Like a beautiful woman with no promise of a broken heart between...
Like a perfect dream,
Though that is the last thing
And first thing,
Us Women, will ever be.

I like, how she moves drunkenly,
To this R & B...
And I get lost,
My throbbing on fire, as I fall in love with the need
Her swaying hips, and tight neck
Have to these Lion Teeth..
Jaws dripping.

I am
This woman.
The one,
That casts spells,
And has spells cast on me.
Drunken nights
Of alchi and weed,
Swaying relentlessly,
To the night.
Eyeing you down, because in my bed is where I want to be...

"Just hold on, we're going home", Drake sings- and I'm
And it feels
Like living,
As I away these hips,
And let the World sway with me,
And fall in love with her, the way,
They fall in love with me...

And we'll stumble drunk home,
"Out the club", hands all on,
Keeping me up,
I'll keep you up...
To bed,
Wheres home.

And we'll sway
Our hips drunkenly,
And enchant each other into the night.


Are my night.
And I love you.
And you,
Are the face,
Of every long haired woman who I have loved,
And who has loved me.

And you,
Are the face,
Of every man,
That I have allowed myself
To be beheld by.
Taken in.
And loved.

We are Roots, you and I...
Cherished by man,

And never
Though the view
Will test us.

Sway with me home,
And we'll make love all night,
And wake up,
Only to marry Eternity..

Rest you in me.
And together..
Lets make the dawn a set of wings,
For the things,
We've never quite had.

This has been good.
Lets do it again.


And don't call me...
I'll call you!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


I'm perfectly fine, being the sunken silt,
Smokey and dripping..

I love,
To drip...

Put you down. I do.
It's too deep. Too stupid. Lost already. Not ready.

Your face, is so Antler-Lost..
So struck.

And I could move into you, I know...
Soak into your roots,
And let your mystical woodland features,
Take over the parts of me,
That were lost
Long ago.

Into you.
I see black goo,
And red-blood,
And purple wine,
And water clear-blue..
Dripping into you:

The All
Of me


Will you strum, Ariel,
The tangarray tangents from her porcelain dripping lips,
Soothing me over, in lullabies of haunting Spanish tune...
Because is it mixed in with Poe
And Poe
And me...
And that is the "Angry Johnny" Poe,
And Edgar Allen,
And then, yes...Myself.

Or Plath. Or Virginia. Or Blake.
And then...take those words(; ours)..
And weave them..
Weave them into the telling tales they are..
Accompany them...
Write them...
Embody them...
In melody.
And another.
And another.
And over
And over, again.

Cuz I don't believe you.
And because each one,
Is just another Infinite Thing.
Oh, you, Infinite Thing.

My mind...
Has got, so much in it, at any given moment.
That is more than some,
And less than others...

And the lack of time in the day,
Simply signifies,
I need a perspective change;
Simple, that is, when you remember this.

And I am hard.
Hard on myself.
I realize this with the scrutiny I bare,
From my own brashness, justifying it, as if it is the world screaming against me...

And I can't tell..
Can't tell..
If it is because sometimes, it does..
And I bare that..
All too well.
All too well.

But the passings create so many moments afflair, with affair..
And brashness and wings,
And dancing,
And fluttering...
Just become, apart of it!
I get lost,
In all the stories told everyday; Her Stories,
Her mind.

With Tangerine Velvet Skies,
And plenty of "why's",
And a mind that never tires,
While simultaneously manages,
To always exhaust.
The rate at which I'm burning energy, is not being met, by the rate at while I am fueled by incoming energy...

(That's my guess)...
All Ways,
Seeking to change that,
But stories get told;
History. History. Tales...told.

I'm putting my "pen",
Down now.
On to ready. Study. Pass
Whiles the stories continue.
And I continue...
To read them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Happy Place.


I need to dream,
And lay
Hair and body strewn across me.
A little love,
To make the world go around.

I love,
A good love-
Soaked in all the moments
In between,
Where all the little things,
Scoop one up magically.

My bare,
I lay there, and down.
Letting fresh scoops pull me close,
As I dream
And whisp away,
Here in bed,
No not really.
Upright, with write,
But in my imagination,
You are here, hair,
Layer strewn across me.
Invisible force.
Invisible man.
Invisible woman.

Love is sweet,
Like the silent flowers, to a morning's view,
Out and amongst..
Seeing the bee's,
Knowing there is
That one, somewhere,
Bustling behind me.
Maybe making coffee,
Maybe sleeping.

And I gaze, from my wooden chair,
Out at nature...
Finally free...
Finally away.

I may hear, the twangy guitar taking me into things...

But now...
It is just a dream.
Just a dream.

Where I go, to hide out...
From this life.

I call it,

My Heaven.

Seeing my Heaven...

From all
This Hell.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Capturer: Log 5- The Seer

She presses the connect at her latest notification.
I watch her stop a' second, and almost jump as she places her hand on her gut.
She doesn't want to know what they have to say.
She reluctantly, waits, for the messages to load...
And I watch her lean against the elevator door...judging herself, for the thudding gut that just knocked her back and to her attention. She soars over and through all the thought forms invading her.

And even though she doesn't believe in "bad", she FEELS bad. And feels the heart break in and out,
Gut pulled. Feels the invasion in and out, feeding on her energy.
There are "things" feeding on her light.
She thinks she is bad.

I'm a notion of her.
Also in and out.
Getting pulled and rocked
By the sea we are all so intrinsically.
The more she "shines her light" bright in the world...
The more resistance she meets...
And it is...
Quite frankly,
From an observers point of view,
A lot.
It is a lot on a person who always wished and hoped for better...
But as she "got better"...
The world would only seem to worsen against that.
So it's ironic for her.
I think, personally...

She's reached stage two in three.
That now is she fully having to realize..
That there will be tension EVERYWHERE.-
Internal, external..
And that the only way through that tension...
Is to make herself "a walking heaven"..

A walking place of peace.
"To be so strong, THAT NO-Thing can disturb your peace of mind"

So she shut the app,
And opened a new one.
And started writing.
Writing about the feeling. The notice.
"What is it you need, Ariel?"...

And I stepped out to observe for her.
Is there a conclusion?
Keep being...

And BEING so strong
In who you are

That nothing
Can disturb your peace of mind.

I, personally?
I think she's "well"
On her way!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Save Me Subtlety


Like laying strew across your lips,
Slipping Universal Minds in
As liquid flow
And air,
And colour...
And drips,
Like Dali paint,
Over floating partitions.

Gemini, Gemini...
The word floats around..

But I am hearing something much more in the near-distant,
And prefer those brown sands of taste more.

Lay strewn across your lips
In partisan's glow,
And sit in nestling dreams,
Warming it all so..
And streams, oh streams,
Trail as dreams,
And reality meets,
Like two opposites needing the both of each one...
She in Yin
And He is Yang...

Are shadow
And light

In One.