Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Star


What is anything 

But a splattered expression 

Against a helldust sky 

  We hit, 

Already emerged, 

 Mauvescope & Divine. 

Fragmented reflections 

  Liquid and assembled,

Forming no solid state 

 But fluid, 

   And ever ever moving, 

An Undertow in constant motion.

Some river, and gravity 

 Working in the pull of our gut- 

  Like the Full moon 

 Under waters

And discharged lulls 

Like Sacred Hymns

  And sirens luring men in. 

Fluid Stardust. 

That is what we are, 

What we are made of, 

What we will always be.  

Man often forgets, doesn't remember, or doesn't know...

But I know.

I know....

Perhaps we are our own Guidance 
  After all. 

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