Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Holy Flame


Green tea 

Washed over me

 Dancing the flame 

 Of this candlelit mode, 

Swishing and swaying 

My hips 

To the fluid flow 

Of flame 


Emerged washed 

By the holy waters, 

And the veil of you, 

Just on 

The other side.

Dancing flame light 


A Holy baptism 

Submerged in water 

And prayers

You are always there...

Just on 

The other side. 

I put my hand against your wall, 

And feel you, head tilted down, 

Holy rains, 

Purifying my naked God given beauty


Is where I feel most home. 

The scent of green tea, purified my spirits

Testifies for me

In memories 

And memories more of who I am. 

I feel you there, 

Just on the other side. 

Body a flame 

Hips swishing the dance of candlelight

And rained upon visions. 

This flame knows waters

It knows the holy baptism. 

I feel whole again here, 

Green tea and candlelit prayer, 



Over this ached body. 

Loving into you, 

Where I remember my home. 

Sacred, sacred place

Between spaces, 

And a veil's trace, where just on the other side, 

Hand held to mine, 

The cloth, the thinnest line 

between us. 

I have needed this for so long- 

To bathe in the sacred; 

To scatter all the ash from my body. 

To lean against you, 

To cry. 

Instead, my light bares a smile welling up. 

Tears of the sacred holy space. 

I am light body,

And water and rains. 

I am 

The Dancing Flame....

In candlelit spaces, feeling the welling sway 

Of Holy movement, worship 

And you, 

All over me.

In this sacred hole, a dwelling place

Where this

Between us 

Never dies. 

It is sacred ground now. 

And here, with You, 

I am whole. 

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