Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Unsaid Writ

When you opened the door
I had been telling myself I wasn't ready

I had waited a long
And waded
Assuming the worst

And living the worst
In all the time, before and after

That we would meet. 

You have been, a face in my air, 
A rhythm in my beat...

And while yes, I have many, 
There was never a time, 

I didn't breathe you. 

And only you. 

Far away, 
As the piano bends and sways, 
I listen and find floating revelations 
In the transcendence- 

No longer what was...
I await to walk through, 
And declare....
That my wretchedness, simply melts away, 
Into the twilligjt evening, and the dancing stars...
And the far away things, 
That have always been ours...

If we but just see, 
And let THAT BE. 

In cinder, 
I cry, dis-shoveled, shaken, 
Trying to quickly shrug off 
The imbalances that had already taken. 

We breathe. Beat. Hand to chest, your bare there, and I let you see me. Afraid and all. Streaming. 
Afraid and all. Dancing. Keys. 
And ready....

For when you say no, to flee. 
Pretending I am not broken. 

But the beauty always entices me...
Right on back, to enrichment, 
Like a fairy beholden some cosmic magic, 
I am a moth to the light. Curious. Reborn once more. 
    Still human. 

And that is where the pain will always remain and pull me away. 

Still human, alas. 

A blessing and Majesty 
With Travesty inevitably built in. 

It has been the thing we run from of generations, 
And it has also been the porcelain layer of our ages, 
In women's hearts and faces...
In man's emotions and nuances...

To love thee. love 

And never to put, that part of our face down. To deny thee. To deny me. 

Would Mean to put my love for you down. 

And while I don't want to love so much, 
I do, 
Too much. 

That is my lot. 
And you had caught my eye, so very long ago. First time, and all. 
And again. 
And again. 
And yet...


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