Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Teenager Again

Tuning out 
The voice of my mother, 
The face of ignorance placed in front of me, full lifetime's worth 
Of ignorance, 

I Begin to bob my head, 
Feeling the freedom 
That the smoke inhalation rests in me
As I breathe out, 
And listen beneath the headphones...

Her lips move. 
My head bobs, eyes observing the different silence; her silence..
Lips move. 

I move, 
Relaxing down 
To the chillax beat, 
Resting me; 
She stresses me

I can not teach this one; 
I need a break- 

I'm learning I need a break. 
She doesn't stop talking, 
So I found my headphones. 
Doesn't stop antagonizing, 
So I found a miracle for getaway. 

A walk away. 
Can't stand her for too long. 
Something gone, and long gone. 

I suppose, reading this, could make it seem like I am the cold one. 
But it has been breathed into me, with her, 
Competitive aweful air, chasing me down in dreaming shadows forsaken.
My mother always had a way of taking without me quite being able to put words to it. I'd like to say She doesn't mean to; 
But sometimes, it's almost certain that she does. 
Like a child. 

I was wild. And free. 
And although she didn't mean to, 
I felt she's always sought to chain me. 

She doesn't mean to. 

But then I look around, 
At the sick state of affairs; 
The animals, 
The wretched plight of those tried to live in this house; 

We are enduring, 
But far from functional. 

I made it out. 
But it is sad what it is here. 

Not for her, but for us; them; 
Her kids- kitties- kittens. 
-the dogs. 

And me. 
Somehow I made it out alive...
Still somewhere in between though. 
I've got fight...
With many under treated blows. 

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