Thursday, August 8, 2013

Teetering in Sin

Watch me become a blundering barbarian
In your intoxication!
Devour me
In your artist's galore
As I throw all cautions
To the wind that tried to claim me long ago.
"I will not be tamed" seems to scream from my artist pen and my artist body..
As I fall to the opposite of pleasantville's likelihood,
Instead drowning myself in the sins that many a man
Has become famed around.
It was the intoxication
That devoured us all...
But a life it gives,
As we do write,
And do dance,
And do allow ourselves to be swallowed whole, with not many notions towards consequence...
Whether it be mundane,
Or a life fully lived...
Whether it be regretted
Or not at all...
Whether it is deemed sinful,
Or to those only that seek to label...
Is it worthy..
Of YOUR praises?

That is what I ask you now...
Is your life,
Happy in your own abide?

And if so then to others,
May we all just live!

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