Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Business of Haters

Taste it. But watch.
Watch the "at first", subtle rotten-ness
Wrap your tongue in decay.
Tasting it.
Their word speech-
Like a bad seed.
Like something once sweet,
Rotting the entire apple away.
Delectable at first. Juicy. Biting temptations...
Needing more,
As not teeth rot away
But whole Mind-body-souls condense into a withering form;
Not needing much anymore..

Watching their tangents take life away from healthier branches..
Watching their souls become hallowed as demons teach the art of living not off of good, nor light...
But off of something
Much more victorious for them:
Lies the pillars on which these demons stand
Training and breeding
A zombie apocalypse
A century

They call them humans.

I see our demons.
And I'm just wading in the light, filled up to my waste,
And letting the demons taste my wrath as before I settle to haste.
They kiss me; intimate and long,
Before I slap their intent and deny them their longed victory.
I may play...
But not without a quickness to remember Who I am.
Who you are.
Why we are..
And how it all matters.

So yes..
Believe it!
Gossip, slander,
For what are tabloids without mindless chatter.
You can not break God's reasoning...
Nor the man by which whom stands tall in such fate.
You can not raise your hand to me and expect that I will not see the raising,
Nor can you denounce by perception the fragments of God which you hate you can not understand.
They will be there in your face,
As I walk, unhaulted..
As I climb, unjolted..
As I feed off your silly slander and remember all the times I never raised a hand to your name.
Hate me, and I will eat it like food.
Create me, and never watch me be real to you.
As you please.
Because my journey has nothing
And everything to do with you.
As I am but a simple
And yet most complicated and equipped muse..

And as you speak, speak, and spit my name,
Just know I'm doing MY damn job...

As I was contracted to.

So love me..

As you go on to review, reskew, and hate that I am not fitting where you want me to.

Just love me,
In all your hating.
I know, you just can't stand
That non of it


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