Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rapture Days

I want your blood on me; enrapture.

Your tomb on me, engorge...

Naked body and never say nevers.
As the painted red over me pours.

I won't take no for an answer,
No not in the fantasy of my mind

I'm a sick fuck, on a sick ride,
And I'd like to consume your rhyme.

Not a hard task
When tales as ours weaves,
But my indulges live in the sweet images
of our not so reality.

For too much to bear, history a snare
And as much as I'd love to engage,
there's only one way, and it's not today
So in your tomb to me, we'll remain

The death of our lifetime love,
Doesn't mean that forever
Is ever a life time enough...

(With your love..)

You bring out passages in me,
And sweet withdraws by the river,
And next to me there,
We will always care

As the moon descends unto another.

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