Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bodies of Water

Who Am I,
But somebody to love?! Somebody to burn like the sun
And link every soul together
With the miracle of my ray?

Who am I that gets caught? Snagged in the web
the veil,
the illusion?

What is it in me?

That doesn't understand
But seeks to...

That becomes snared by emotions I thought I knew?...

But this "bearer" has forgotten her ancient old past-time..

And how it has slipped through my view, i don't know

I forgot..
That you can not control the Earth,
nor her ways.

The bodies move in me, as emotions to water

And I watch, and feel as a boat being rocked to the chanting current.

With not much to say,
I remember who I am in glimpses.

Attempting to understand the meaning of love, as it is meant

So as to dis-label the casualties of it's affairs.

So as to put it in it's place, not for the airiness with which it is used,
But it's got me wondering,
Is that one of it's qualities too?

Does it embody Water, Earth, Fire, and Air...Is it as influx and ever-changing as I have ever used it?

Can it be classified by boundaries, simplicities, "compartments"?
Or is it the hurricane that never spells
The wind, we never see, but do..
The fire that breaks molds,
The Earth that allows the molds to exist...

I get it..
I get why me must love the way we do...

Understanding love as it is..

Is a great

A responsibility that brings all romantics
To their battleground.

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