Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Dragon's Heart


Oh restless soul

 I shall forgive 

Alas, you swell so 

What a ravenous sea creature 

 a bellied beast, 

Oh sweet thing, 

Tame, tame. 

Your beauty irrevocably ornate, 

  Your brow a scaled black beauty, 

A winged beast I can ride on

  Between worlds anew 

and seas beneath. 

How I love you so...

 How I can never go back 

For in this world, I can not live without us. 

 Your are my Beast. 

  Holder of my heart and fire, my flame of Pele, 

My cosmic breath.

When you die, I shall have to die with you, 

 Keeper of my soul. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Tempest. Thou wilt abide me! 

  How I cower in no land and shall not I then, 

Cower for you! 

Defy me! You might try, 

  But you will abide me, 

Your turning eye. 

Wrath has no cover here, 

  your winds may blow...

But you will bow to me, 

  Insights, O' the many, 

You shall bow! 

Heave and throw as you may, 

  I stand this mighty ground, 


O' bout of faith, how you test me so. 

Brave and brazen with play. 

I loved our thrashing and tumultuous days 

 O' the many, 

But your time has come here, Storm! 

I have to put you away.  

The Nest


Love nest


Beguiling space in your soul, 

Lay here tenderly, 

Retracted and refrained from the world 

Put it down 

 Upon my chest 

Take Shelter; 

Love nest, 

 a woman's Whole. 

Tending, tending

an encased retreat 

   a safe haven, 

Made of love and wool. 

Juliet's Vile


Draped over me. 


 No sound at all but violins 

  and compounding heartbeats, 

Distant and thrashing.

 Closer and nearer. 

Ripened vile upon my chest

  The night and elixir grow colder 

Sipping my sweet to meet you

  In death as we'd always foretold.

I put this vile upon my lips, no saviors in life's thresh

But for in death, I might see you again, 

Rather than dying here 

  and growing of old. 


Monday, September 9, 2024

The Stranger


Wasn't it spellbound? 

  Our voices first, 

     then the souls, our eyes; 

Stirring two fluttering notions

          Breath stopped

        For just a gesture



Uncannily aware 

gazing through

  Like assessing a stranger 

  As non-threatening or a foe. 

  In you, 

I swam though,  

  like falling in the womb of God's River, 

An Ocean, 

     His Body, in dwelling


There was no difference then, 

    Between you and I. 


     we would become One, 

  as if I had never not known you. 

We would be bound. 

And we would always know it...

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Chapel

I carried you for four years. 

  ...and you, carried me. 

I took your face, your heart 

  In my hands

As we exchanged willingly. 

You would take my bags, 

  And heave them on your back, 

A life's burden you always 

  Would bare

And I took your heart into mine, 

  A contract of shelter & care. 

Something befell me, a trance and a trace

  When I saw the pain I could cause 

I promised then, with Angelic grace 

I would protect you regardless of flaws. 

And we danced and we danced

  All night through, falling in your arms, 

As Sinatra strew and through me across

 You and I pittering our feet to his charms. 

We were always unbroken, 

stricken between two, 

no matter the run or escape

Tied between, by an invisible might, 

A flame of Two adorned by One made. 

In Passing Era's


We change...

         don't we!?

An era sometimes being 

   Only a decade 

       Of our youth. 

And how sometimes we don't?! 


It is a quandary. 

But I am made whole in Him


Coffee, Tragedy & Crime: The Crucifixion


Do you take your coffee with honey? 

Me and daddy did. 

Now only a tragic memory of another life. 

Isn't life so unfair, dear sweet? 

Isn't it after all...

And all that it is, 

is what we choose to make of it?

What a tragic miscarry of justice,

That I had to be the nemesis in that family...

When those girls grew up

With my father...

A father who never bothered to raise me, 

Or show up, 

Or give to me in centimeters 

What they received from him in miles and years? 

They painted me black and plastered that scarlet letter on my name...

Never giving any semblance of true love...

Not for me. 

After all, I was not theirs, 

But rather his; 

A bastard child. 

A dirty thing. 

I'm not sure one heals from something like that, 

Rather it becomes a dim stain of a tragic story told of your real life. 

One that surfaces in holidays, and answering questions about family by new acquaintances meaning well. 

By deeper friends still...

And I have to brush off the harsh tale and condense it to a single word. 


But that doesn't sum it up does it? 

That doesn't sum up the let down, 

The abandonment, 

The worth of being somebody abandonable. 

He not one moment lent himself to this daughter. 

He poured his entire vat into his three beautiful girls, 

And left his first one to rot and figure out her damaging crisis of life 

like a fucking street rat. 

And that's how I grew up. Just that. 

A fucking gutter rat, 

With an illuminecent soul, 

Bound to keel under the burgeoning Flemish 

  Of depression and depravity, 

Suicidal thoughts and body ravaging fibromyalgia from over a decade of childhood trauma and abuse 

Stacked up 

And eating away at me. 

By the time they met me... 

His return was just a little too late. 

By then I had been molested by two men, under my mother's care. No more than six years old. 

By then, the restraining order on my cousin would be a distant memory, 

And the police report on him would be found decades later; 

An early memory of him giving me a black eye while babysitting me, and who knows what else he did? I was only Three. 

I remember vividly his brother being shot in the foot in the back yard, as Tobin defended my mother and I, 

Against Andy and his gun. 

I remember the panic and fear, cowering where my mom placed me by the refrigerator beside the pantry. 

I knew he had a gun and what it was, and that he was trying to come for us,...

But Tobin took the bullet instead. 

If there was one thing I could undo...

Maybe I would go back and never meet him...

This man, who claims he's "Dad". 

I think by then my heart was simply too broken 

To be able to handle what followed with his return. 

That family's judgement and callous regard, broke me more than any love in my life ever had; 

Years of stacked abusive relationships

Still wouldn't compare 

To what they took from me

When They shattered what was barely left. 

It is a tragedy I barely have the words or strength to reconsider.  I rebroke then again unfathomably, falling into a new despair, 

A breakdown, 

And I did it all alone, once again.

I had no family to trust, to be heard by, to even care. 

It is far too tragic, mucking up feelings I've long tried to bury, still hurting as deep as subconscious and abandonment. 

I was always left by them that way- 

  Worthless and chucked out, like a filthy animal, discarded with all their conditions and false perfections that suited their callous actions, 

And apathetic empathy. 

To them I was no daughter, no girl needing guidance, solace, love, safety...

To them I was an outsider and a threat. 

And they reminded me everytime I came around in judgemental passive aggressions and passing placations 

Of no substantive glue to hold us together, 

Compassion and love...

Not meant for me was the constant message I was receiving by them. 

Everyone tied up in their own life, 

And he simply arrived in mine, 

Too late. 

But if I could put my pain inside them-

      They grew up with My Father...

While I grew up with none;

Then they might have changed long ago...

And hugged me 

And accepted me as I am,

And taken time to guide me, 

Or go on the family trips- 

To make me one with them, 

To embrace me into their home, family, life, and heart

Instead of judging me into such an arm's distance

I really had no choice by then, 

But to run back away. 

He was perhaps a good father to you...

But he left me without him. My home was absent that. It was chaos, and poverty. It was grimy and disgusting, with years of neglect 

Under the cerebral palsy and narcissism of the only parent I was left to. 

And I floundered for a VERY long time, 

A flopping fish merely in my mother's puddle. 

There was no room for thriving, growing, learning, evolving under her. 

Instead I grew up too fast, undisciplined. 

Instead I ran away too soon to numb the tragedies that had stacked up. 

Instead I was on anti-depressants by 16, after calling social services on her for what I now understand was 

"Narcissistic Abuse"...

though I didn't have those words then. 


He will never know.

They will never know,

How deeply they rebroke an already shattered heart. 

And what a shame it is 

That I might have been better off never meeting them, or him...

For those tragedies can not be undone by the soul...

Though I shall, now, 

Continue to keep them there, 

With God as my grace. 

But for tragedy's we cry....

And they have never sought to 

And they will 

Never know mine, 

And by their hand. 

I have worn a crucifixion they worship...

But will never understand.