Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Reincarnation


This year was rattled by loss. But not enough of it, and for that, I am thankful. Our heart broke when Artemis left our home.  Our family made it through illness, and faced the glimpse of future and today's depravity with an iron heart. 

I would muster all strength, as silently as the night sky would fade back into day. I chose time and again, to believe in love at all costs, in miracles at all costs...and that was my gamble. 

The face that kept creeping up, scared me, beyond all recognition. I coiled, and inward I went, to face this great demon. 

The future looked as barren and desolate as life had been.  The fear became shadows of demons on the wall, and the fire was always burning. 

Somewhere along the lines, I borrowed the strength he would lend me. I waited out the deep winter freeze, and found myself reborn in the frost.  A Snowdrop. An heir and bloom of my grandmothers garden. Resurrected in the dead of un-walked upon fields and treacherous snowstorms.  

A new purpose would arise. 

A new adventure. 

And perhaps the only purpose that would ever really matter. 

You see...

I was born to love him. 

And He, I. 

But the purpose would become You. Our flesh and blood made one. 

This would become the reason for this life and its misery.  For me to make of it, an adventure out of life and death, and pain. 

And when I return to the ground....then God can have me back. 

Until then, I belong to him.... and I belong to you....

     And I will make the great trek of sacrificing this body for your daughter, Grandmother....and honor you. 

And I will press on, giving my flesh to my own.  

I will honor what you did here....and bare the hardened days until my bones finally wear their last breath. 

In you, is my home....

These great planes....this harsh winter....

But the journey will rest forever within us....

Paradise and Hell, as one. 

Death, collecting life.... and everything else, that lay in between. 

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