Monday, December 4, 2023

The Devil's Tunnel Runs


The Devil had gotten a hold of my mama

And knocked me down. 

The Devil I hadn't realized had won, 

Until somehow I had backed down 

Out and away, 

From the temptations of defeat. 

For I had been on my back weeping, 

And it struck me by whom, 

That I could channel these emotions into music. 

Transformed, the Devil's grip lost restraint, 

But hovers so. 

       A Muse in an Underworld. I vow not to remain lost forever.  The outline of a tunnel, 

Has me grasping with wing-ed claws to the Earth once more; reaching out of the depths of Hell, 

In this plain assimilation of a 2017 version of us.  On "Earth". 

  But this is not who we are, is it? 

God, an outstretched hand in the sky- an invisible force of love and compassion as an ultimate wisdom in all things. 

    Some of us are born without what others have. Defunct. I am without you, oh Lord. Simple Nature beholden to constraints. I am without the love I wish the world could have. And yet, I know, that it is here in me. Wishing somehow, that it were greater. Wishing somehow, that it was not as small as the love of individual, messed up man. But....who am I to judge more perfect a creation than anything I have ever made? I am no one. Simply now, I must observe then in its reverence and learn from it, by such logic. 

Some would say, however, that my logic is flawed. I fail to agree with them, by their definitions, but will always submit to a "Wiser authority". Is this not the nature of Love and Humility together? 

When the Devil grasps those that are close to me, I then become like It- whatever "it" is. 

I retain now my power to defy this Devil by seeing it where it is. I am the power of God, and that is the relationship and reminder that I know. It is the Devil that tells me I am lesser, and so I pinched myself awake once more, from yet another tranced dream.  

A tunnel. 


And a single perception, of hopelessness. 


     So I let the light in, 

And all shadows were cast away. 

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