Friday, December 22, 2023

Know Your Mana

 Know your power. Investigate your worth. Learn how to heal. Practice Patience. Develop a skill God has given you. And Explore. See in others, yourself. They are your struggles and our similarities of heart, ego, and lessons bind us more than they separate us- than they keep us fighting. If you are religious, pray for your brothers, and enemies alike...but also pray for yourself. Know your worth! You are of Holy Essence, no matter how muddied you feel. In you, God resides as the energy of Evolution. 

                                     Will you embrace it?

Saturday, December 16, 2023



There is no me. 

  There is only you. 

My life is in your life. 

  My honor, in serving you. 

A duty, by way of virtue. 

A recognition by means of Grace. 

As in your eye, 

 I reside 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Gloomy Sunday





The dissonance is a swamp of graves used for growing crops. 

It is a world where the region is a lost one on any map, as mind postulates over  purpose and iniquity, classes and what-haves.  


I forget how sad classical piano can      sound, even when it is whimsical...

  No telling, if the sadness is mine, or shared by the notes, stumbling over themselves in rush for perfect placement. So smooth. 

So loosening. 

And grips, they unfold. 

My sleep escapes me late into another night.  Nerves twitch my canine and myself. 

My mind, flutters, like butterfly wings, against a wind pouring in. 

Riding, coasting, crashing, 

How the little winged things 

Surf into me. 

Hours of the night, a true hourglass, as time itself postulates to the mind and an AM dark hour kept by candlelight. 

      Seconds are lost in hours, veils lift, and the cat in me, stays awake to watch the night crawlers walk about.  

Ey, it is a late hour indeed, where words are sifted through like ancestors drafted Magna Carta's. I stay awake by iPhone screen, and type on technology. 

A new candlelight. 

A new Quill 

A New Time. 

The Dissonance of Graves

The Devil's Tunnel Runs


The Devil had gotten a hold of my mama

And knocked me down. 

The Devil I hadn't realized had won, 

Until somehow I had backed down 

Out and away, 

From the temptations of defeat. 

For I had been on my back weeping, 

And it struck me by whom, 

That I could channel these emotions into music. 

Transformed, the Devil's grip lost restraint, 

But hovers so. 

       A Muse in an Underworld. I vow not to remain lost forever.  The outline of a tunnel, 

Has me grasping with wing-ed claws to the Earth once more; reaching out of the depths of Hell, 

In this plain assimilation of a 2017 version of us.  On "Earth". 

  But this is not who we are, is it? 

God, an outstretched hand in the sky- an invisible force of love and compassion as an ultimate wisdom in all things. 

    Some of us are born without what others have. Defunct. I am without you, oh Lord. Simple Nature beholden to constraints. I am without the love I wish the world could have. And yet, I know, that it is here in me. Wishing somehow, that it were greater. Wishing somehow, that it was not as small as the love of individual, messed up man. But....who am I to judge more perfect a creation than anything I have ever made? I am no one. Simply now, I must observe then in its reverence and learn from it, by such logic. 

Some would say, however, that my logic is flawed. I fail to agree with them, by their definitions, but will always submit to a "Wiser authority". Is this not the nature of Love and Humility together? 

When the Devil grasps those that are close to me, I then become like It- whatever "it" is. 

I retain now my power to defy this Devil by seeing it where it is. I am the power of God, and that is the relationship and reminder that I know. It is the Devil that tells me I am lesser, and so I pinched myself awake once more, from yet another tranced dream.  

A tunnel. 


And a single perception, of hopelessness. 


     So I let the light in, 

And all shadows were cast away. 


My tip is a heeled woman up on the ball of her feet, teetering an edge as if reaching to see, 

At a cliff's boundary. 

I tight walk, as if almost I can fly, heeled and all, and my dress gathering up in the wind. 

I bank off to the left in my mind, sound and serene adrift is a froth of cloud and mists.  

Greens gather the origins around me, as I see lands under blossom trees.  

     And to the right, is that which is beyond me- a time, distance warp of future and unseen. 

  Grabbing at my hat, before the brazen gusts strip it from me, I come back down from my toes, my heels sliding into these shoes.  

 I slip one off, to feel the rock against my bare feet.  Unearthed, it fell, over the edge, 

As if to say, 

     "This could have been you". 

I thought about it for a while starring far away into the canyon below, where my heel had managed to escape- starring far, away... thinking, 

I must have been flying... 

Tip toes 

  Tracing edges, 

In heels and rock.  

I fell to the wind... 

  But she caught me.  

I shook the second heel loose from my other foot, and kicked it off the cliff, in a pushing motion

  It was an omen, prayer, sacrifice, death, and birth.... 

all I could do to honor it, was kick my heels off the cliff.  

  So I did.  

And I sat for a while, thinking how stupid I had been,  


To trace gods sky,  

  In stilettos,  

Upon crumbling adobe and purges of winds.   

I was not taken that day. 

  But something changed.  

I never flew again. 

I never even tried. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Secret Shadows

There is so much to cipher, 

  In these dark corners of my mind. 

And then again, 

 The darkness is mostly 

 Only you 

Floorboards; pt 2

If there were words to be plastered...

  I could not forge them. 

They will harbor no mold, no shape, 

  And I will put them under the floorboards 

Where they belong 

Our Fate

Sleepless nights, other life's

 Rattle in my wake

Let us shadow walk together, 

  As we are bound. 

Come back. 

Before it is 

  Too late. 

I can not lay still, in bed, in the hours when we wake. 

A Daydream, no night escapes. 

 Come back. 

Come back to me- 

Before it is 

Too late