Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Box

 Your words were sent to me on a box. 

Plain. White thin cardboard. Wrapped in red ribbon, so that a line parallels each square, 

Wrapping the heaven and earth quadrants 

Into four. 

I knew it was real, 

As empty as it was, 

And now they are above me, your mind as thoughts

In my astral body 



Like beautifully buzzing butterflies 

That just won't go away. 

Every aspect of it was real; 

The games were the other side of a coin. 

The possession intended. 

The challenges accepted. 

The torment, meant, 

To be everlasting....because those were the promises we made. 

I loved you. 

And I always will love you. 

And there is a deep peace in that...

The empty box, 

So full of words 

And all that will always 

Remain there. 

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