Tuesday, May 1, 2018

An Untamed Storm

  Not a day goes by
     in the ruthless passing of gestations, 

That I don’t think of you, come and gone, 
weightless in touch.  

  I long for the pull of your fervor, as though it were the trace of your sound.  The imprints left on me when you’d speak- precisely
  a hypnotization of the spirit and 
  my soul.  

    You were dark, and I waned to it all- risking what little there was left of me.  

Instead, a fire was awoke-
  left somber 
in the choke of your ash;  
cashed and put out before I had arrived.  
  But it is your lips, 
phantom, forlorn 
  because they are a ghost, 
that wakes my days, 
  and soothes my nights.  
The promise of your kiss, is felt against my lips, and hips, as I feel you 
  all over me, 
in the bedtime air, 
of nothing there.  

Unfair I hear the whispers of things 
  the trees and the airs on night’s tickled postures…
  dancing, crying, weavy; chaotic, buoyant, bright…

  The insights settle 
  the phantoms, 
  But Love, 
is a Beast

  all it’s own.  

an allure 
  of a beast, 

and unsettling notions.  

  The years set into me.  
I took 
  your hand.  

   My belly grew big, and our child would be to finally take it’s place 

  after so many years of squandered love and loss-  

  meaning always to be the precise reason, you ever came in, and I ever loved you.  

  But it is a phantom until your awaited return. 

The child will always be yours, 
  as will my heart ever remain loyal, through life or death, 

  to the jar, 
you and I 
  never broke into.  

My Stomach is flat with youth.  
  My heart somber from age, yet as ruthless as the passing of all things and all time- 

She is an untamed storm, 
  that soothes only to mysterious phenomenons, 

  and you, were my most mysterious of all.  

In my belly, awaits our love.
  But you must return to me.  

we must embrace.  
  You must let me love you.  
and you must, 
  Love me back, with everything you have.  

and only then, 
  can you and I escape all our have not’s; 
and have the beautiful family that we both never had.  
  A family we both deserve; 
a family we both want-

   A child made from the ashes and rebirth of our Love.  

  It was always you.  
Yet my Stomach is flat with youth.  

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