Monday, October 23, 2017

The Boy and his Bird

I have thousands of women in this soul,
  Tied up in this life,
And the era’s before my birth;
  Bound to histories both buried and excavated.

The woman whom calls herself my mother,
  Between us now,
 Is no Mother I recognize,
  Though I have scoured my beaten heart trying-
  Though I have wept, pled, and bled to understand the sacrifice of such unfamiliarities.

Notions are torrid rains and how friendships change
 And life, as it evolves the decades- regression becoming a fad
Along with Nationalism, it's opposition against a modern book burning.

To fall in love now a days,
  I Imagine is as uncertain as in war times,
Lovers and Fathers, off to war.

Loving has been my War.
  Loving the Truth.  
And the truth, loving me back.
Tumultuous, I could never
Enough, I remember.

I still can't.

  Hatched on the ground,
I attempt finding my way around all enemy territories,
In predators' lands,
                         Everything is larger, stronger, and smarter than

    The shell I stumbled out of.

Yet, here, years later, I am grown and in flight.

I have my wings and but a few scars, forgotten once I take the air again.

I love him.  And he is a Good Boy to Love.
  Found somehow tucked away, as if there all along.
A bird can not claim the Air, though she may claim the truth.
  And I am in Love once more,

     it feels Divine this time.  Whole.  Lost.  Luded.  Lured.

     Coming to his window, the light is sharper,
My skies brighter,
  A purpose rendered in connection-

A Human Boy,
  Had become mine, this tiny earth creature of but the smallest wings
And most chittering of souls.

  And there I'd wait, somedauys perched upon his sil, and resting in the fragrant shadows and songs under his trees,
     Where they became my tree; and soon I had forgotten any other home.  Soon,
His window sil was all I would remember of Paradise.

  He became my past, because it was always ever, meant to be.

And now I remember nothing but this Paradise.  No pain. No reality.  No label to procure, but the freeedom of the Air under Love's Blue skies, and Orchird Trees.

Indebted to my Human Boy,
  I will die here, while he asks nothing of me, Keeping his window open, and not a day once closed.  He has my water and seed,
  And leaves me wanting for nothing;

I see him look for me when I fly away;
  I see a new treat when I perch back home.
I see relief, in this Boy's love of me, giving these human's a grace all other animals stand up to.

He is Love, this Man.
  He knows the God that made him and I.

I think I know,
  Why I've come.

Why we are bound and never sold, but to the other.
   His Love is God's awakening, and I am his bird

Fearing no Flight, ever again...
  A Home, now near by.

A resting place.

Waiting my return.


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