Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Walk & Company


In a turtle's nudge, 

Is strapped my refuge. 

Carried, across a distance surmountable, 
Is a love, much like the bodies of heaven, 
But here it dwells, 
A toppling universe, 

Inside this dark hollow body I carry atop my own. 

Love is the refuge, 
Dwelling in homeland, once..more, 
And for all. 

You, there. In my dwelling, 
And vast hollow space, 
Of spindling stretches
And no shortage of extension. 

I love, in here...walking a vast desert plain, and you, always the clouds beyond it. 

I will remember your face and heart, like a Hopi Master in the Sky, and Mother Gaia below, as two great heads that have revealed me, the face of God; 

Just as you have, 

With your joker self. 
Embodied is every dry, 
And rejoiced again

As I walk this plain. Stretching my limbs towards a distance I may never see, 

There is a great love in the sky, 
And it is walking with me. 

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