Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hail Storm Halo

I was glad when you showed your colors; 
Needing an excuse was all.

It was always in my nature to love you...but it's true I have grown an armour I couldn't even have before; 
The restaurant industry would do that! 
Loving people like you, in consciousness...
Would do that! 
They succeeded magnanimously! 

I see now, what a fool I had been. 
Your brother treating me better in 3 meager days what I had given you years for. 

He never called though...
Even for a great date, I wouldn't expect him to. 

I didn't mean to. 
But you were so mean. 
And I guess, I decided...
So could I be. 

You straight up said you don't want me. 
I let you not have me, and shared myself instead. 
Mostly because I loved you, with Haunt. 
In insane love only, did my actions make sense. 

It is one or two years later..
And him with me- 
Not about you. 
But I thought about you, didn't i? 
And words like sociopath, counteract drunken I Love you's and "never returned". 

Your birthday passed. 
And although I am glad we are not together, I know our Kharma burns. 

You treat me like I'm trash, 
So I let myself be trash to you, 
While I adorn myself in Goddess amulets, and allow the distant worship of far away men. 
In reality, 
I leave you all behind and focus anew. 
Is love, 
And there are certain things it wouldn't do...

So u forgive you...
But I will not forget how you have met me. Without asking why I looked like I was dying, while I was going on, 
Living for you. 

But I am glad I see your smokey tongues, and gel, like tar, as words that stick without thought. I deserve to be loved, the way I love. And while I was willing to be consumed by you...I have laid her down- the teenage lost soul, that would sell any part of herself for a little need. 

Love is scarce. I accept that! 
Knowing, it is on me, to create. Spread. And find. 
She had been a crazy hail storm, and I'm just trying to aquaint myself better this time! 

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