Monday, August 11, 2014


There is no sense of me that feels lovely.

Instead I feel ugly, and unworthy..

And I'm waiting for the pain to stop torrenting me. 

There is no sense of drinking this away...
And the smoke, I scrape together 
To give me some sense of come-to; 

My chest aches as if my entire top half is splitting in two beneathe the skin; 
I keep quiet

I heave, and bare witness, to something horrendous...but I say nothing to no one, 
About the breaking
That is occuring...
Like phnemonia. 

I can't breathe lately. 
And my chest aches and aches til I cry and cry...
But sometimes silently...

The streams just come. 

It is the calmest breaking I have ever seen...

Underneathe, she dies a torcherous death- one she wishes were her last. 

Feed on her like snake venom...sickening the cells..

My body is wrought with writhe...
And my God, I tell myself, now-

It has to be done now. 

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