Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Sun and the Flower

Little Thing...
Dear Love that hath stolen my heart. 
Do I let you keep it? 
Do I let you run with it? 
Are you worthy? 

These are the questions 
That strike the human place in where you lay...
Because I have never been so good 
With this heart of mine anyway! 

I could ask, 
All the questions, 
I ask. 
Wonder, where you stay, where you lay, in all of this. 
And still is, the notion underneathe, 
That perhaps, 
You don't care...THAT much. 
That is the notion, I seek to deny..
And bury...

As I try to bury you...
But like the flowers you'd steal and give back...

You emerge, instead, 
And all I do, 
Is fall in love...
One more day..

And more deeply..
Into eternity. 

And so maybe, just maybe...
I can simply, 
Be your Sun. 

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