Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Difference

She threw herself to the ground, threw her arms around my legs and cried, 

"I don't wanna be mean to you anymore"...

Isn't it strange how one moment we wait for, for eternity

Can make every difference in the world...

Each difference, a miracle

Each moment, never an opportunity lost.

What is love if not another opportunity given?

A freedom we do not know how to give...

A grace that we feel we've fallen far from...

I do not wish to play in this game anymore!

The game of condition, the illusion of "love"...

The game of you be and do as I wish because this is "Us"...

I do not wish to worry anymore about what any of it means to anyone else,

For the eyes of love can be a difficult perception to come by!

Well here's the truth, Maria Mahealani...

I love you!
I love you beyond reasonability and full well into faith...

I love you for everything you can be that is good and forgive everything in you that you struggle with,
Because you have showed this to me...

A better way to love.

I accept everything in you that is human, for I see now,
Everything that hurts in you, is mine...

I love you because if not you deserving to be loved greatly, you deserve even more to be loved greatly by the person you would long to be loved by the most...

In depth.

I love you because love is a miracle you keep showing me the path to...

In the oddest ways,
In ways more revealing of God than even imagined...

I love you because you reveal to me that the path of God

However far it seems from grace...

But that too, is just the devil's play...

The eternal lie...

And not love at all...

For grace...

Is The All...

Just as we are...

And this is why, Mahealani...

I keep loving you....

Because I love myself!

Because I know...we both deserve somebody taking a chance on the other.

I love you because to do so the RIGHT way,

Is my kharmic destiny.

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