Monday, February 13, 2017

The Seed

       Left taken aback; the wind knocked out of me

As I back to sit, eyes searching, ticking, ticking

To comprehend.

You left.
You always had, left.

And I always waited, a fool bound.  Literal.
And as an Angel.

Smited, it has been another day,
With no words,
No refuse,     Nothing explained or apologized for,
Where I let you splinter my soul, as if to remain, even if only by shard.

When I buried you,
I failed to understand the concept of a seed.

But you became lost to me then
  containing the power only,
To peak back up and see me once more.

I know it was love now,
Because only love can withstand what you've done.
What you haven't.

I'd always simply wished that you would have just apologized.
That you would want to make me happy; that you would embrace our fall towards another sky, some where else.

The reality was different wasn't it?
I felt stripped by the time you were done with me.
Kicked, lost, hurt, abandoned.

Of course I buried you.

You broke the soil though.
And think I not, that you recognize me anymore.

I will always love you.
I can not tell if you know this, because our moments of truth revealed so much more than I'd learned to expect from you.

I had always simply wanted you to be nice.  Can't tell if you ever loved me.
And surely since so long ago,

You have stopped, haven't you?


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