Saturday, September 26, 2015


I am trying to spit out your memory. 
To regurgitate the thoughts on repeat 
That seem to revolve in my gut. 

To forgive and forget, through the lost notion of being disregarded like flesh and sex, 
When it was love and honor that brought me to you. 

Am trying to throw you out, for you have already gone, but like a music box, 

We play over and over in my head. 
You lied. 

And pretended to be clear in conscious. 

And took...

While never feeling the same. 

No explain argon, but a coward's. 
No sanctity, replaced by what's stolen. 

Precious memories, like cakes and circuses; never genuine; 

How do I swallow that? 
When I swallowed you? 

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