Saturday, July 27, 2013

Open Shut

There comes a time
You don't know which way to look; direction to take-

Too many of us here do not live in the fragile of what it means to take on human life...
But still breaking and chipping along the way.

I'm sure many must think me eccentric..
But I see it differently..

I see myself as awake...
As awakening.

I write because things need to be said.
I see myself in the genius' and philosophers before me,
Awake, condemned, but strong...
It is a bred faith in us.. Our kind,
A kind,
Like Angels or messengers...
Developers and revolutionaries.

Blood-baths have been the way of our seen...
Carrying over lives and programming wrapping us up in this dream..
An illusionary world, and yet real.
A birth we will not understand until death.

I am no fool.
Their judgements escape the gossip of their eyes and lips..
Slander, and yet, I am no fool,
To ordinary men.
Especially evil...

Our place in this world, an interesting errand. Freeing ourselves...
Finding our way through,
To it.

Ever defeating ourselves,
Finding our way through,
To it.

The eyes that take my life are less mine..
She grows in me,
And grows strong...

Yet, meanwhile
I have been so weak.

New eyes.
The unfamiliar.
Sometimes, like I am a first-timer here, now, in this

Like I am a first-timer...
And as if all wisdom had been erased...
To make way for something else..

Something more..

Than what I've known..
Or anything I've done.

She grows strong in me..
And I uncomfortably watch the old,
Fade away.

I'm finally resting,
To see if maybe SHE, this one,
Will build me something new,
Longed for..
Dreamt of..

Seeing if SHE
Just might be
My long awaited

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