Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bad Blood; Re-Union of the Angels

Bad Blood

Tell me you love me.
And we will wrap the madness tightly and send it into another life. 

I left you 
In an ages from now rebirth.

Kissed you goodbye. 
And here, we would meet again, 
But that is all it would be. 

I watched you. As if something in you, I had recognized in some mystery to my curiosity. 

And as you approached, 
I found love filling the space between us. 
Conjuring the distance and collapsing the air that lay as miles between our bodies.

And as you raged against it, 
I hadn't known, what I know now. 

I would sink then. Into you. 
Like a tar I would flounder in,  foolishly seeking mercy from an unrelenting substance, that only knew consumption. 

Now however, 

I know what it is. 
  Know, I will see you far again but here, 
We must be strangers. 

There is a sickness that rides in this incarnation. 
A Black Death that will renew as the cycles pass, where love can reign again once more. 

You are miles from me...
  And lives as well. 

And I will see you then. 
  And embrace you my love. 
With everything I ever meant to. 

As though this life is cold, 
 So once again, we will learn warmth, 
And we will remember ourselves,

And we will re-unite. 
  Amongst the re-union 

Of the Angels.