Sunday, April 30, 2017

Devil's Toy

I married you, I remember..
     In a deep shadow under a moonless sky, beneathe rafter-beams, hay...
  You had claws then.  A Demon.

I gave God up.  You hypnotized me with a Love I knew was forbidden.
I gave God up, in those shadows..
And became devoured in our invisible repeats
Night after night,
Where I would weep alone, in my bed..

Wondering not where God was, but Rather you instead.

Funny though...



Just You, My Beast.
Just you.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Path into the Middle-Land

I've flipped. Over my life tangents like pancakes,

Til' they are perfect for the day.  Honey or maple, to a choice marmalade and it's all, a refined dance gone right and wrong.

The "they" everybody speaks of, they whisper show and tell, some of it real...

  I nod my head in agreement thinking off to testimonies my own, and tracing the flash drive of my memory in pics.

If ever such a God does exist, sure I have met "Him" most in peaks of flash dancing rains and shouts to the Earth and all Heavens how much I sync into thee.

Moments of great defiance come in headphones on the streets...role models in ear muffs and parents how likely around?

Of love, I have eaten it bare, fruit and carcasses, partaking in the flesh eating of things...are measures of it washed clean, or already "forgiven" perhaps, and by whom?

Shall we allow ever to forgive ourselves? And what is man?

Refined down like worn jewelry on a weathering woman's hands, I smite the arrogance and yet bow abashedly.
  Exonerate Peace.

I have seen violence breed violence, racism breed racism, and prejudice breed hate as easy as any mind is manipulated.  Compassion will therefore breed empathy, understanding, the same way love might breed a bridging of worlds, healing, comedy, inspiration, innovation...

A feudal Tide, and yet still we are ever so Roaring against it.
                            The Middle-Land.