Saturday, March 7, 2015

Cloud Change

My skin tingles. 

I let it take over, as the feeling arises
And the memories come from the unstill morning, and sun's rise..
And I wonder still, 
If you could ever love me...

The way you loved her? 
Could you even love me more? 
And will you, I wonder? 

The clouds move; they come and go; 
And change. 
And change some more...

It was somewhere here, 
Where I
Met you. 

It was somewhere here, where I found...
Found, I loved you. 

There was a shy gaze, 
A stare she'd glance through...

It was somewhere in all of this, that I watched you; held back...with calm. 

I know, Babe...
That the world we walk in...
Is one cruel. 
Maybe you don't need me. 
Maybe you do. 

I know, that how I must see myself, is 10x lesser than perhaps you do..

As I sway gently to watch my own tides, like fear, and love, excitement and the deepest doubt, thrust and rush, then find peaceful bends...
Peaceful bends...

And THAT...
Is where I, 
Still found you. 

I sway. 
I sway...
Believing you will fade and go away. 
I sway...
But I do not want you to leave. 

What you have impressed upon me, like my own gentle shadow- 
A mirror between our nights of telling and spilling forth, before we find silence, in pretzeling bodies. 

Today I missed you differently. 
I missed the man, 
I may very well be falling in love with. 
But I did not NEED you. 

And it made me hope, 
That you will not sway away...
From this changing in the clouds 
Between me and you...

Reluctant to declare my love for another, I hear my heart singing. Feel the wings I once had upon my feet, and I am light again- easy. 

And although I do not want you to leave me, it is not fear that binds my heart. 

I think what we have between our masses is art:
Our dialogue, their own burning candles into the night. 
Our shadows dancing, and our bodies giving... And our hearts receiving...

And it has been somewhere here, 
Between all of these clouds changing so, to our highrise...

Was it not there you met me also?
Was it not there you met me also..., 
When indeed...
I did call for you? 

And it is there.. 
Here, inside you...

Where I am simply..
What you have allowed to spill over. 
And I sway...and watch the clouds change...

And it makes me uneasy...
But somehow you help me to feel 
That it's okay. 

And I like that about you; 
Like yesterday; 
Like never too far away...

As I wonder, 
And still sway, 
Watching these 
Clouds change.