Monday, September 23, 2013

Work Year's Orgasm

This year seems to be my work year; work & foundations.
Seems like I've been building my foundations for years now, some moments and seasons, more lost...
some...more found
some...known moments of big ideas and big endeavors.
other moments, completely conquered.

where to begin?

My girlfriend smokes and drinks her coffee and liquor,
as a past time that the great minds she glorifies,
did to suit their messy and artistic lives.

I, take a hit of the bowl, and continue to write.

In the moments,
there is Great Life.
It doesnt really matter,
which moment it, it is.

It seems like the world, I sit on,
is made in fantasy and cosmos- The Human Mind.
You see,
it isnt my actual life, that suits my orgasms..
rather the dreams of seeing that which is me,
that which is IN me, and contained by my being...
the orgasm seems to lay
in those things,
coming to be. 

Who am I?

Well honestly,
I'm quite forbidden- taboo.
But only because I see what is contained within,
"Good & Bad" as church would state,
And I promote
this graceland.

and as well,
It's Hell.

Who we are
is not Good or Bad, or even to be judged..
but rather,
knowing this,
Makes me Forbidden
to most.

My fantasies are wild.
My sought endeavors, treaturous by many...

Love them.
They drive me wild with intensity
and craving...curiousity,
and cliffs...

It is the same thing that makes me pick up the pipe unapologetically
As many more have before me.

"Don't you think it's time you stop running?!",
I sarcastically direct myself...

To stop being that small girl that apologizes for who she is?
Stead of manufacture her own brilliance?...

Thinking so.
Thinking to do so,
Is a "revolution of the mind"..

Thinking, IN doing so...
I have found layers,
I've never known..

Is my work year.
Sin, Angels,

Coffee, Cigarettes, Love...

Breaking points,

and Clouds availing Light.

and new eyes...
with new sights...

but rotating filters..
and some of them still...
impressed upon,
by the old.

Shot snapped.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tiny Apostles

What is life?
As I lounge, hot day off,
Cocktail between my thighs..

I think about the work ethic
That drives men in suits...
Wonder if relaxing takes away
From my epic dreams..
Wonder if it effects the apostles here, down below.

My whole life,
I've needed a break.
Maybe my big one will never come,
So maybe these tiny moments and days between,
Will be mine to take my sanctity in.
I can only hope.