Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Morning Pages 9/6/10

I started this blog page so that I could get back in touch with my spirit, and the things in my body that I feel, maybe even fear, I have been becoming detached from...or in some cases, too attached to. 

Some days, I try to shut the voices in my head out, by not paying attention to them because they are too negative for my own good.  Other days, I try hard to pay attention to them and how i am feeling as to make sure I am still listening to myself...It is somewhere within this principle that i have gotten far away from my roots of writing; staying away from it so as to not become too self indulged or self righteous enough to think that anything i have to write, ought to be read....

But it's not really about that, is it?

I don't so much know where to begin except to say that I am beginning this writing with the notion that it is something i need to do, to remember to find the things out about myself, that I might be afraid to see.  I am writing it, as well, to create for myself the balance I feel that I am missing.

I am presently in a relationship with my third girlfriend officially.  I am happy overall, and satisfied most days, and that is my truth.  Without a "but" being placed in, currently, i am seeing how my patience is being tested.  Even in moments how I find myself weak for having to keep someone afloat in ways for her own good.  I am tested.  Tired.  Roughed up from my own breaks and falls, and now getting to be the main guiding force for somebody who is so powerful and yet so "not there yet".  I wonder in times like this when it will ease for her understanding...

And scatter thoughts of how i still have my show this week, but i'm trying not to stress it tho it's looming in the back of my heart.  I think i can take the pressure from life; work, Kiki, CBC, my goals, and my health....but it doesn't mean it too is not a struggle that doesn't make me second guess my own strength.  My own ability.

I am tired now.  Tired from the conversation with Ki, and tired from not knowing how to explain it to her.  I want to go to bed but not before i finish this.  I have to open for a 4:30am shift tomorrow, and call back for a potential interview with an old boss (funny story, maybe you'll get it next time :), not to mention, make it to a doctor's appt. tomorrow and work on my routine if can.  I hope i do all such things and make it the day I want/need.

I am worried my dream will slip away from me or that it will never get easier.  I sincerely hope I am wrong.  My debut for CBC is Sept. 11th, also the day of Ki's Bday.  It's a big day for me that i am trying not to make a big deal out of (but am;)...

Anyways, time for bed me tired.

No can no more.